Which Of The Following Is Not A Producer

Which of the following is not a producer
Green plants produce food by photosynthesis. Hence, they are known as producers.
Which of the following is not a producer 1 Spirogyra 2 mushroom 3 Volvox 4 Nostoc?
It is popularly called as mushroom. Whereas Spirogyra, is a green algae and an eutotrophs, i.e., producer Nostoc and Volvox are que-green algae (cyanobacteria) and are also a producer (autotroph).
Which of the following belongs to producer?
Producers, also called autotrophs, include plants, bacteria, and algae. Plants get energy from the sun and turn it into food, a sugar called glucose. This process is called photosynthesis.
What producer is not a plant?
Plants are not the only producers. Some types of bacteria and algae are also producers. A producer is any organism that can make its own food.
What are 5 examples of producers?
Answer and Explanation: Some examples of producers in the food chain include green plants, small shrubs, fruit, phytoplankton, and algae. Actually, all plants are producers. In the food chain, a producer is any organism that can produce its own food.
What are 4 types of producers?
7 different kinds of producers
- Co-producer. A co-producer is a professional who works with other producers on film or television projects.
- Assistant producer. ...
- 3. News producer. ...
- Line producer. ...
- Digital content producer. ...
- Supervising Producer. ...
- Lead producer.
Is Volvox a producer?
Volvox is a genus containing freshwater green algae belonging to the Chlorophyta division. They are found in freshwater bodies and significantly contribute to oxygen production. It reproduces asexually through daughter cells known as gonidia that develop to form colonies while still attached to the parent body.
Is Spirogyra is a producer?
Answer: (b) Agaricus belong to basidiomycetes fungi which is heterotrophs (saptrotrophs) class. It is popularly called as mushroom. Whereas Spirogyra, is a green algae and an autotrophs, i.e., producer Nostoc and Volvox are blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)and are also a producer (autotroph).
Is Volvox a primary producer?
As primary producers, Volvox colonies produce dissolved oxygen, and as major dietary staples for many aquatic organisms, help support the aquatic food pyramid. Many types of rotifer thrive by grazing on this green colonial alga, as do other members of the freshwater zooplankton community.
What are examples of producers?
Producers are people who make or grow goods and provide services. Sometimes they are called workers, and they help us do things. For example, a florist is a producer who makes pretty bouquets. A baker is a producer who cooks up yummy cakes, and a painter is a producer who creates artwork for us to admire.
Who are the producers answer?
Producers are organisms that make their own food. They are also known as autotrophs. They get energy from chemicals or the sun, and with the help of water and convert that energy into useable energy in the form of sugar or food. The most common example of a producer are plants.
Who are the producers?
A producer is someone who creates and supplies goods or services. Producers combine labor and capital—called factor inputs—to create—that is, to output—something else. Business firms are the main examples of producers and are usually what economists have in mind when talking about producers.
Are trees a producer?
In the forest's ecosystem, the trees, shrubs and moss are all producers. They turn water and sunlight into the energy they need to live and grow, through a process called photosynthesis.
Is fungi a producer?
Activity: Fungi ≠ Plants As established in the previous activity, Fungi are decomposers NOT producers. Because they are completely different organisms, they have different structures. In this activity, students will familiarize themselves with the anatomical differences between fungus and plants.
Which is not a seed producer?
Solution : Funaria (bryophyte) and fern (pteridophyte) are not seed producers.
What are types producers?
The different types of producers include: Executive producer. Associate producer. Producer.
What are 2 producers?
The two types of producers are photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs. Photoautotrophs use energy in sunlight to make food and chemoautotrophs use energy stored in inorganic molecules to make food.
Are plants an example of producers?
Plants are producers. They make their own food, which creates energy for them to grow, reproduce and survive. Being able to make their own food makes them unique; they are the only living things on Earth that can make their own source of food energy.
What are 3 producers plants?
Plants. One example of producers found in food chains include plants. They use photosynthesis to make their own food. Examples of plants include trees, grass, moss, flowers, and weeds, to name a few.
What are 3 primary producers?
Primary producers—plants, algae, and bacteria—make up the base of the pyramid, the first trophic level. Through a process called photosynthesis, producers capture energy from the sun and use it to create simple organic molecules, which they use for food.
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